Essential Travel on Grand Manan Ferry

April 3, 2020 - The Mayor has been in daily contact with our MLA. Andrea passed along a message from the Provincial Minister of  Public Safety, Carl URQUART, he is emphasizing only essential travel is allowed on Grand Manan Adventure. The timing of this advice is prompted by  the upcoming Easter Weekend, no relatives or guests. Essential Travel is not for groceries, for instance, as these things can be purchased locally.

Councillor Roger Fitzsimmons asked our MLA Andrea Anderson-Mason the following in regards to passage on the ferry restricted to essential travel only:

"Who is in charge of enforcement, is the government making a statement on this ?
Roger Fitzsimmons"

Her reply is as follows:


The government position is that all travel in the Province should be restricted to essential travel only. Unless there is an essential need, stay home. As an example, we recommend grocery trips, at a maximum, should be reduced to once a week and only be taken by one member of each family/household. Our Minister of Public Safety, Carl Urquhart, has consistently messaged that people need to reduce their travel, this virus does not spread on it’s own, it spreads through people. The message from the Minister and the Premier is directed to all corners of our Province and everywhere in between, including Grand Manan.

I personally thank you for helping to not spread the virus so we can get back to business as usual in NB.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Stay safe and stay home,

Hon. / l’hon. Andrea Anderson-Mason, Q.C./c.r.
Attorney General / Procureure générale
Minister of Justice / Ministre de la Justice

Minister responsible for Regional Development Corporation
Ministre responsable de la Société de développement régional

Tel./Tél.: (506) 453-6250

Date Posted
April 3, 2020
4-1021 Route 776
Grand Manan, NB
E5G 4E5
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